Student Success
Success Center
成功中心为学生提供基于学院的PG电子APP和支持服务. 成功中心的运作理念是所有学生, 不管之前的成功与否, 能够而且应该成为更好的学习者吗.
As a student, 在你的大学生涯中,你将能够利用成功中心提供的这些服务. These include:
- Academic & 个人心理咨询
- Accommodations & 残疾人服务
- Career Services
- Resume writing
- Interviewing
- Professionalism
- 网上招聘
- 审核委员会和认证材料
- 补充说明
- 技术援助
- Computer basics
- 网络和微软办公软件技术支持
- Title IX & 性行为不端PG电子APP
- Tutoring & Success Sessions
- 各种主题的研讨会和材料
- 解决冲突
- Mindfulness
- Test taking
- Test anxiety
- Note taking
- Stress management
- Study skills
- Writing Lab 位于成功中心
Personal & 学术咨询
Clarkson College recognizes that many students struggle with issues such as test anxiety; balancing college, family and job responsibilities; interpersonal and professional relationships; self-discovery and personal transformation; financial struggles; and more. 为学生提供 个人心理咨询 and 学术指导 as a support.
Dr. 凯瑟琳·奥诺拉托,保留管理员